I haven't updated in a while since we are not doing very much fund raising this year. Raising money for breast cancer causes helped me to recover from my treatment and surgery by giving me something positive to focus on instead of just feeling sorry for myself. Over the past 3 years our life became way to busy with too many commitments and we hit a wall. Now we are working on finding a balance by trying to spend more time enjoying the kids and all of our blessing.
We did participate in the Breast Cancer Survivor's Network one day walk in Peachtree City. We actually won an award for the most money raised by a team, special thanks to Melonie Jones and her company TNS. BCSN is a great local organization that supports women in Georgia with breast cancer. We also are participating in the Randi Passoff Memorial walk for Paint Georgia Pink in September. We do want to support this organization that was started by one of my hero's and continued by her family in her memory. We don't have any big fund raising plans, no t-shirt orders, no yard sales. We are really taking it easy for now.
Since we haven't been talking about it all so much, it seems like people are assuming that everything is fine, breast cancer is in my past and rarely crosses my mind. That is far from the truth!!! I still think about it every hour of every day. I have several friends who recently found out their breast cancer had came back. This is always a fear of mine, each time I have a little ache or pain and even when I don't. Last month, my cousin Debi lost her long battle with breast cancer after her 3rd occurrence. The treatments are better than they used to be and there is much more hope, even with metastatic breast cancer today. However way to often, I am hearing of friends having re-occurrence and we are still losing too many people we love at much too young of an age.
I have not quit!!! I am just changing my focus to better suite my family and to support local causes that provide direct assistance to women with breast cancer. I appreciate all of your continued support and prayers.
gone fishin'

caught some seaweed
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Life After Breast Cancer
Posted by Katrina at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
3 Years Cancer Free!!!!
I am getting ready to celebrate 3 years cancer free!!!! April 3, 2008 was the day I had my double mastectomy and the day I consider my Cancer Free Day. That was an awesome day to me to wake up from surgery knowing the cancer was gone and I was on my way to recovery.
I had a little craziness last month when I noticed a pea size lump in my breast. It was very close to where I had cancer before. After 3 long days of waiting for the biopsy report and imagining that I could be going down that dark road of cancer again, Dr. Timbert called to tell us that the lumps were NOT cancer. Praise God!!!!!
Now I am trying to figure out what I want to get into this year. I feel like I am struggling to find the balance of spending time with my family, taking care of myself, and trying to make a difference by helping others with cancer. I am really feeling lead to focus my efforts on a local level this year.
There are a few things I am working on right now.
~The first is a one day walk for Breast Cancer Survivor's Network. This is on March 26th in Peachtree City. Janet Beebe, the President of BCSN is a 26 year breast cancer survivor! She has spent many years with this organization which provides assistance to breast cancer patients here in Georgia and also helps to connect survivors for emotional support. It is not too late to sign up to join us for this 4 mile walk. Here is my fundraising page. Please help us to support this organization if you can.
~The other project we are working on right now is a cook book fund raiser for Henry County Cancer Services. This is an organization that provides financial assistance and Angel Food meals to cancer patients here in Henry County. We have been busy collecting delicious recipes from our friends and the books will be ready by Mothers Day. Let me know if you would like to support HCCS by ordering a cookbook for $15.
~We are also supporting the Randi Passoff Foundation with their memorial walk on Sept. 17. Randi is a hero of mine who lost her battle with breast cancer last year. We would love for you to join us in supporting this organization and help "Paint Georgia Pink" in her memory. I will post more information about that as it get closer.
I am overwhelmed with all of the prayers and support from my friends. Thanks for your all of your love and encouragement!
Posted by Katrina at 1:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: Angel Food Ministries, breast cancer, cancer, Cookbooks
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Yeah!!!! We did it
We drove up to Lake Lanier Islands and 6 of us from my team spent the night in a small hotel room. We had to get up around 4 a.m. so there wasn't too much sleep going on.
DAY 1...After the sun came up, they had a beautiful, emotional opening ceremony and then we began our walk. Scott drove the Double Bubble Breast Cancer Bus around and cheered on walkers and talked to people who came out to cheer. He was "on call" for us for when we needed a lift. I think he got a few naps in too. He met a couple who are battling breast cancer right now. Her cancer has spread to her liver and she is waiting to start a trial. She was really excited to see the bus and encouraged by all of the walkers. Scott was inspired by talking to this couple who have such a great spirit while they are going through this hard time.These stories keep us going.
DAY 2...This day (October 22) was the 3 year anniversary of my diagnosis. I can not think of a better way to spend this day than walking with my friends and knowing we are doing something for this cause. We were able to get into camp a little early since we had our own personal sweep van(aka Scott and the DBBCB) .We put up our beautiful pink tent and had a delicious hot meal. Then we had time to do a little 3-day shopping and check out the memory tent. This is a place in 3-day camp where you can go to sign this white tent in memory of someone you have lost to this disease. There are pictures, momentos and stories that reminded us of why we were there. This was very emotional for us to look around and especially see all of these young moms who are not with their families any more. We had a chilly night but were ready to start day 2. Scott met us at lunch time and took us to eat BBQ. It was a nice break from the walk and a fun way to celebrate Cherie's birthday. Two of the crew members joined us for lunch and we were told that 75% of walkers do NOT walk the entire 60 miles. This really takes the pressure off to think you have to walk it all. I think that it is more about challenging and pushing yourself to do more than you think you can but it is not about pushing yourself to the point of really hurting yourself. We also met some friends who lost their wife/mom this past year to breast cancer. They were around the whole weekend to cheer us on. It was great to walk along and see how many people took the time to come out to support us. There was even a dog who came out that is a breast cancer survivor. She wore a sign that said "quadruple mastectomy". The ATL Coffee Kids were there every day to pass out coffee to walkers, play guitar and sing to us. These kids come out year after year with their dads to support the walkers. Once again we got into camp early and enjoyed hot showers in these 18 wheeler shower trucks. Then we had a fun night with Candy Coburn and her band preforming for us in camp. They were so great! Then we got to hear a "survivor" walker tell her story and then a dance party. They made the 3-day men get up on stage and shake their booties. Scott was a great sport and gave us all a really good laugh. We met a man who was walking by himself. He lost his wife 2 months ago to breast cancer and he was celebrating her birthday. He was having a great time dancing and getting a lot of attention from the women. We love our 3-day men!
DAY 3...It was kind of sad to pack up our bags and start day 3. We were happy that they told us we could keep our pink tents though. It was so fun on day 3 to walk through Buckhead and Atlanta. There were people cheering all along the way for us. We were so excited to get the chance to go on Candy Coburns tour bus and meet the band and sign the bus. Candy had seen Eva's youtube video of her signing "Pink Warrior" and wanted to meet her. Eva wore her pink tutu and cowboy boots but was very shy and wouldn't sing for Candy though. Candy Coburn was so sweet and she let us all sign the wall on her tour bus. She has committed to preforming at all of the 3-day events this year and 100% of proceeds from "Pink Warrior" go to Komen. click here to see~ Then it was time for closing ceremonies. It is a great feeling to walk in hand in hand with other survivors! The other walkers all hold up one of their tennis shoes in our honor as we enter into the area for closing ceremonies. It was so awesome to hear that the Atlanta walked 6.1 million dollars for the fight against breast cancer. Everyone Deserves A Lifetime...
I am ready to sign up for the 3-day again after having such a great weekend. I had so much fun and I didn't want the weekend to end. I think it should last a whole week! It really is a weekend where everything seems right with the world! We will wait until after the first of the year to decide what events we will be participating in next year. Thank you all so much for your support this year. We couldn't do this with out all of your support, encouragement and prayers. We will keep on walking until there is a cure!
My 2010 team.. Me, Scott, Debra Scott, Carey Faulds, Melonie Jones, Cherie Divin, Elizabeth Hurst, Carolyn Flood, Kimberly Timbs and Joanne Jenks. Thanks for committing to this cause and walking with me this year. Your support really motivates me to keep going. I love you guys and hope you can join me in events in the future. Love, Katrina
Posted by Katrina at 2:47 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Quilt Drawing #2
We plan to spend as much time as we can in The Double Bubble Breast Cancer Bus this month. If you see us out some where, come by and sign our pink tie dye fabric in memory or in honor of someone you know who has fought this disease.
One of the fund raisers we have done this year is a breast cancer quilt raffle. I know some of you can't wait to hear the news so Congratulations to...........Melanie Bramlett!!!! I met Melanie at this years Relay For Life last May. She bought the raffle tickets there. I am so excited that the winners of both of the quilts are sister cancer survivors. This has been so fun for us so I know we will do it again for future fund raising.
Thank you all for your continued prayers, support and encouragement.
Posted by Katrina at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
3 weeks away and we are almost ready
We still have about 15 team t-shirts in XL and 2X for a $20 donation. We are still selling raffle tickets for the beautiful breast cancer quilt. We will be doing the drawing on October 1 to kick off breast cancer awareness month. I will post the video of the drawing here like I did before.
We also have silicone breast cancer bracelets, "Kat's Courage" tote bags, breast cancer pins, buttons, pens and beautiful beaded pink earrings. Let us know how we can help you stock up on breast cancer items to get ready for "Pinktober" and support my team in this cause.
Posted by Katrina at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
8 weeks until 60 miles

I just had my 6 month check up with my Oncologist. I got pretty anxious as my appointment got closer. I guess that is just what happens as they move my appointments further apart. It gives time for the fear to build up. My Dr. thinks that I am doing very well and my chance of recurrance is very small. That is great to hear but I am still constantly hearing of someone else being diagnosed or having a recurrence. 111 Women and 1 man die each day in our country from breast cancer. Help us to put an end to this disease that attacks 1 in 6 women in the US.
Posted by Katrina at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
12 weeks $12,000
October is a very special time for me. It marks 3 years since my breast cancer diagnosis. I thank God for his healing and my continued good health! October also is breast cancer awareness month and the ATL 3-day breast cancer walk.
I really appreciate how much you have supported me in the past. I just realized that we have 12 weeks until the 2010 3-day and we have to raise $12,000 more for all 8 of my team members to be able to walk. We have really cool team t-shirts for a $20 donation. We have a beautiful breast cancer quilt that we are raffling off on Oct. 1. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. ANY amount donated is greatly appreciated! Please donate to me or one of my team members so all 8 of us can walk and so we can put an end to breast cancer.
One person is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes in the United States. 111 Women and 1 man dies everyday in the US from breast cancer. No one should have to face this disease, so in order to create a future without breast cancer, I walk in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure.
Walking 60 miles is hard, but I will keep walking until breast cancer is no longer a threat. I walk for myself, my kids, my mom, my friends. I walk because everyone deserves a lifetime. I walk because I can. Love, Katrina
Posted by Katrina at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: 3-day breast cancer walk, breast cancer, fund raising